Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Round Up! From Sunset Groping to LA Unicorns...

     Sitting in a tiny office, in an old barn that's been turned into a movie set, that is on a ridiculously incredible pistachio tree farm in the calm, beautiful, clear skied middle of nowhere, just a ways outside of Fresno, California...

     ...I'm reflecting on 2012 and on the epic changes that have happened in my life since the beginning of the year.  After a rough start, I took time away in February to travel and explore Los Angeles, and immediately knew that it was time for a change.  I packed my bags, drugged my cat for carry on, said farewell to my beloved New York and headed West...


     It's been a couple of weeks since I began this post, and even in that short amount of time, life has continue to surprise me with blessed gifts!  As I continue to reflect on this past year, I realize that it has been a time of major growth.  I think it's safe to assume this to be true not only for myself, but for many people that I've had the fortune to share my time and experiences with over the last twelve months.  2012 has been a year like no other I can quite recall.  I've been fortunate enough to have been thrown on to this great roller coaster ride of a year with screams of both excitement and fear, and have come out the other side a better, truer, stronger version of myself.  And, with a sort of faith, hope, knowledge and patience (ok, the patience I'm still working on) that I had been lacking prior to this point.  In this 2012 round up, I've tasted the best and worst, and wouldn't change a single moment of any of it, because it all brought me to THIS exact moment here and now...

     ...this year, I've made new friends to grow, laugh, cry with and learn from, I've watched drug addled Los Angelenos getting dressed on the sidewalk, I've been working with a team of brilliant producers to make a movie I wrote a reality, I've been groped by a man on a bicycle drive-by style on Sunset Boulevard,

I got a brilliant manager who is helping me follow my dreams, I'm hitting the stage and screen, I've dated in this city that makes the prospect of love look like the distant fantasy of a child searching for a frickin' unicorn, yet recently and blessedly met a man who lights up my days and leaves me amazed...

And I can say without thinking twice that I couldn't be any more thrilled, any more filled with excitement, to see where these great adventures, memories and lessons of 2012 will lead me in 2013.

     So to all of you who helped me get to this point, thank you.  I love you.  I wish you only the very best in everything this New Year.  So what are you waiting for?  Start fresh.  Start bright.  Start big.  2013 is going to be no-holds-barred, honest to goodness living life the way it is meant to be lived - to it's absolute fullest!!

     My friends, here's to the year that has passed and all it gave us, and here's to the New Year ahead.  Here's to new adventures and taking more risks, to loving fully and giving freely, to dreaming and to achieving.  May you live every day with the exuberance that it deserves, knowing each one is a gift...


1 comment:

  1. Best of luck, I hope your spark catches some nearby thatched roofs.
